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WordPress Multisite for complex projects and daily routine [WordPress Meetup Kyiv 2017]

  • You’ve already heard about WordPress Network functionality for plenty of times but have not actually put your hand on it yet? I’ll show you how to make practical use of WordPress Multisite. You’ll see how to develop complex projects by building a network of websites. From other hand, we’ll see how much time one can save by using WordPress Multisite for routine tasks
    tasks like updates and maintenance. I’ll show how to set up WordPress Network really quickly on subdomains or even top-level-domains, how to control the subsites and processes in your network.
    1. What’s WordPress Multisite?
    2. Why you would like to use it and how do it?
    3. Setting up a network of websites in 10 minutes
    4. Essential tools to monitor and control your network
    This is intended to show you new ways to scale your business using WordPress Multisite.

  • Russian
  • October 27, 2017

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