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Add new paragraph inside list item

I have been building networks of websites with WordPress Multisite since 2011, and improving WordPress performance since 2018.

But believe me or not I had almost no experience of using WordPress as a visual editor, actually.

Though it took some time after Notepad++ and Evernote, now I’ve got pretty used to WordPress WYSIWYG editor.

But still, there was a real pain in the ass for me.

When you place a  list (no matter, ordered or not) and press Enter expecting to have paragraph inside your <li></li> item you never get it! You get new <li></li> instead!

By chance today I got to know how to add paragraph inside list item in WP WYSIWYG editor:


  1. one
    paragraph inside
  2. two

As easy as pie, isn’t it?)

Add new paragraph inside list item

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