Site Speed WTF?!

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SpeedGuard tracks Core Web Vitals from your WordPress. Check it out.

How to measure, improve and maintain your WordPress website performance [WordCamp Brighton 2019]

  • You’ve already heard that slow website keeps you from good conversation numbers and high Google ranking. But how do you know if your website is that slow?

    By attending to this talk, you’ll learn:

    How to measure performance of your site properly
    Why fast DNS service is important
    What you should be aware of when choosing hosting provider
    What could be done on WordPress level to speed the things up
    We will finish with a few tips on how to keep your site being blazing fast for a long time.

    You will want to take notes!

    * We’ve done this talk together with Piotr Bak.

  • Video is coming soon…

  • English
  • August 17, 2019

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