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Data Usage Policy by SZ CleanUp plugin

SZ CleanUp plugin is a WordPress plugin which pulls the data from user’s Google Analytics properties. SZ CleanUp plugin authenticates the Google Analytics account using Auth 2.0 method by Google and saves Access Token in the database to fetch the user’s website stats from Google Analytics account.

Following is a list of Google oAuth permissions we at SZ CleanUp plugin ask from users.

  • view manage Google Analytics data
  • Edit Google Analytics entities
  • view manage webmaster search console data

View and manage your Google Analytics data

This permission allows us to pull the analytics from your website analytics property and create custom dashboards within WordPress including WordPress dashboard, SZ CleanUp plugin dashboards, Posts, Pages and Custom Post Types individual pages etc

This also helps in managing your Google analytics property settings where needed and saves your time to enable the settings within your Analytics account.

Edit Google Analytics management entities

This permission allows us to create MSP (Measure protocol secret) and data streams in Google Analytics 4 to properly integrate SZ CleanUp plugin with GA4 web streams. MSP is used for sending server side tracking events.

We are using both libraries GA3 and GA4 and making sure SZ CleanUp plugin works with both of your properties.

View and manage Search Console data for your verified sites.

Disclosure: SZ CleanUp plugin is in compliant with Google’s Limited Use requirements and Google API Services User Data Policy.