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WordPress Performance Optimization Services

In-person Workshop for WP Agencies [now planning: November 2024, Europe]

I love talking about performance and teaching it as much as doing.

I host 1-3 days workshops for the WordPress agencies.

Cost: 3000 EUR – 8000 EUR.


  1. We’ll meet for the call where I’ll ask you to tell me about your company, the work you are doing, the usual issues you are facing with performance, and your objectives
  2. Based on this I will prepare a plan for the workshop for your team
  3. I host a workshop for your team, during which they will learn to understand performance while working on the current real challenges they have
  4. Afterwards, they will have easy-to-follow guides/cheatsheets of what we worked on during the workshop to maintain good results in the future

Specific Performance issue debug

If you have a specific issue that you need help with, this service would be a good fit.

You tell me the issue, I run some tests, and then make a recording for you or your development team. In the recording, I explain the process I went through to find the bottlenecks and give recommendations on how to fix them.

Examples of issues might be:

  • 500 errors
  • Server crashes
  • Blank screen followed by long page load times
  • Performance issues like CLS/LCP/INP bottlenecks
  • Slow WooCommerce Orders page

This service is great when you have an in-house development team that just needs guidance on a specific issue.

Cost: 800 EUR.


  1. We’ll meet at the booked time, where you will tell me about the issue you are facing
  2. I will get back to you afterwards with the list of accesses or additional information I’ll need to debug it
  3. I investigate the issue, find the bottleneck and solution
  4. I provide you with a screencast going step-by-step over the investigation process, issues and solutions

Make Core Web Vitals pass — frontend Performance optimization

I help your website pass Core Web Vitals Assessment. It will look and function the same as before.

(for the cases where it’s not possible to make website performant without fundamental rebuild I do not provide this service)

Cost: 2000 EUR – 4000 EUR.


  1. I do an audit first where I identify the current state of the website, issues, and bottlenecks and make a conclusion if it is possible to pass Core Web Vitals assessment with the current architecture (sometimes, it’s not)
  2. If yes, I make a plan and forecast for the project
  3. I work on the tasks
  4. I will need collaboration with your development team for some tasks
  5. Measuring results, logging changes and providing recommendations how to maintain good results in the future on this specific website

Backend performance/Bugs/Issues [Hourly help]

Please, don’t get offended if I refuse — I don’t do many things, that I believe should be done by someone else with proper experience (including, but not only: developing websites, maintaining, designing, CSS etc).
But I am good at solving riddles: related to performance, plugins conflicts, bugs — basically, anything that doesn’t work as expected — if you are facing a tricky situation (especially, if other developers tried to resolve it and couldn’t) — most likely I’ll take that job.

Please, reach out.

Plugin/Theme performance review and improvement for plugins/themes development teams [Hourly]

Please, reach out.