Site Speed WTF?!

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5 steps to a faster website [WordCamp London 2019]

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  • Why you should forget about the scores if you want to speed up your website? What is TTFB and why you should care about it? Why using CDN might not help you improve the site speed? Why Twitter with all that funny GIFs loads lightning fast and your visitors have to wait for ages while one single kitten gets loaded? How do you get to know your hosting is fast enough?

    During this session we will learn:

    how to measure website load times and interpret the results
    what should you do after all possible caching is already on but your website is still awfully slow
    how to define bottlenecks and fix them without making significant changes to the theme.
    Let’s make websites load faster together!

  • English
  • April 6, 2019


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